
Ashtray Escape Walkthrough

Ashtray Escap is point and click based room escape type game from wild harmony studio. In this game, you have to escape from the ashtray room to find a pentagon shape and a small key. Good luck and have fun!


1 comment:

  1. Walkthrough:

    - pick up the ashtray from the table

    - empty the ashtray in the bin

    - pick up cloth behind the TV.

    - clean ashtray with cloth and you will get a 3 digit number.

    - open the cupboard under the tv and put 3 digit number in the tool box.

    - pick up screwdriver and square shape.

    - use the scredwriver on the screwed drawer under the PC and pick up strange shape.

    - pick up the stick on the left side of the room door.

    - Use the stick to knock down the clock.

    - Open the clock and pick up the triangle shape.

    - Pick up the cable on the shelf next to the TV.

    - Use the cable on the electric socket under the PC.

    - Click on the monitor and open a folder named “games”.

    - Find the 5 differences and you will get a score. This score is a 6 digit code.

    - Use that code on the safe in the wall and pick up a large key and a cicle shape in the top left side.

    - Use th key to open the drawer under the PC. At first glance it looks empty.

    - Pick up the hammer behind the right side of the couch.

    - use the hammer to break the empty drawer and you will discover a pentagon shape and a small key.

    - put all the shapes and the small key in the door.

    and you are free!


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